hey y'all, mouse here ( " vworp vworp" avatar refrence) just a reminder that unnless i say somethings mine , its SOOOO not mine . im just a blogger , not a pirate O.o. any who, keep being your awesome selves !haza!!!!
my life has been a bit complicated lately , but nothing cheers me up more than sitting down with my kittys and createing a halarious blog post :D so have fun :D
p.s.! eggnog season is here !!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!1
ok! annother slightly sappy post for randome resons that will forever remain locked in the empty icecream tub that is my brain . all that i must say is this :
if i cant fix all the problems in the world , then you probbobly cant ither . the world hates the little people . but , that doenst mean it has to forever . so my challange for you today is to
1 hug someone
2 call someone you havent talked to in at least 3 weeks
3 look up funny things on the internet ( it helps all woes )
4 do something nice for someone ! i dont care if you just hug a randome person or write "you look nice today :) " in the sky with a ufo ! just make the world a better place today! :D
now that our sappy-ness is over , plese continue to enjoy the halarity of these photos and gif , and the awesomeness of paramore :)
as you can probanly tell im not so consistant in my postage . so heres some other stuff i like . its not often now that i try to put sentiment in my posts . but here goes .
hug your freinds , your family , your kids , your pets . becose one day , your going to wake up and somethings gonna change and their not going to be there any more .
i wish it would snow here alredy . snow is a fresh start . when it falls , its a clean slate . and when it melts all the seeds pop up and grow into something beautifull .