Sunday, December 30, 2012

of life and marshmallows

life is weird and sometimes it sucks ....... but you just keep going and going and eventualy you get to a place where its all good . if we keep going , nothing can stop us . so keep going and find your happy space and it will all be alright agein . right as rain i do supose .
take care my dear little web brousing soot sprites ,


Thursday, December 27, 2012

coffee owls and doctor who

hey guys! its been a long while since i posted just for fun and such so heres some compleate and utter randomeness for giggles and laughter :) enjoy!


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

its christmas!

hey y'all! merry christmas!!!!1 falalalalaaaalalalalaaaa!! i got AWESOME stuff this year , books on epidemics across all the ages , mistic symbols and deadly plants . and an adventuretime t shirt ! haza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and my family loved their preasants , it was a total sucsess!
hope you guys had an awesome christmas


Friday, December 21, 2012

its the end of the world as we know it ! (agein)

hahahahahahahaha!!!11 we lived! still here ha! ha! ha! evan if the world ends tomorow , we can still laugh :D happy 2012 every body!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

the fiiiiiaaaanals are oHOverrr! the holidays haaavee begun!

heeeelloooOooooOOOOOooooo my epic internet readers !i got out of school today ! no mare finals ! no more school for 5 whole weeks!!!!!!!! haha! heres some epic christmas awesomeness !falalalalaaaaalalalalaaaaa!!!!!!!!

happy holidays humans
felize navida ! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

halarity and death

falalalalalalalalalalalalalalala!!!!!!!!! im in a christmas-ie everything is funny mood today , i love days like this , you can feel like every single thing around you is callapseing , and still laugh in its face ( BTW why the heck is "laugh" spelled like that ?!?! it looks like its prenounced " lawuggghaa! " so dang weird O.o)

i love kiki strike ! its my favorite book seirise EEEEVVVEEERRRRR!!!!!!!!  hahaha! anyway , heres some pictures of kiki strike stuff and some randome people failing !

dont sell bolth kidneys on the internet!


Friday, December 14, 2012

"dark times are apon us harry "- hagrid

today at 9:35 began one of the worst days in history as a shooter went into a Connecticut elementary school and shot 18 children to death and 27 people all together . my thoughts hopes and prarys go out to these poor people . keep them in your thoughts and minds my fellow humans . and be thankful that your family is most likely in one peace.


Monday, December 10, 2012


im in a rather twitchy witchy mood tonight . i feel like crap but im alright . tommorows my birthday , and i feel like my life is constantly controlled . you know, only child and all . luckly , at least i can still feel witchy without being scrutanised . rock on world . go out in style !


Friday, November 30, 2012


falalalala! i am sick! ( this would not make most people happy , but school is hard and my biology teacher has it out for me ) so heres an awesome blog post to commemorate he situation!